This searches the stores listed below, all of which have good selections of beer for buying. Many of these stores sell wine, spirits, and other things (like glassware) too, so you can search for them as well.
These are all stores that I think ship to most states in the US. Some ship outside the US, but I haven't made a site specifically for global shipping stores yet.
internet wines (Illinois)
binny's (Illinois)
the wine and cheese place (Missouri)
brewforia (Idaho)
castle wine and spirits (Connecticut)
bierkraft (NYC)
bottle trek (Oregon)
archer liquors (Chicago)
vintage cellar (Virginia)
belgian beer shop (Belgium)
beer mania (Belgium)
de struise beer shop (Belgium)
beverages 4 less (California)
beverages and more (California)
liquorama (California)
hitime wine (California)
spec's (Texas)
beer on the wall (California)
the drink shop (UK)
witty's (New Jersey)
south bay drugs (California)
grand vin (Connecticut)
the wine store RI (Rhode Island)
cracked kettle (Amsterdam)
bruisin' ales (North Carolina)
wine underground (Colorado)
liquor outlet wine cellars (New Jersey)
oak tree wines (New Jersey)
holiday wine cellar (California)
K&L wines (California)
half time beverage (New York)
beergeek (this site seems broken right now, but many people say that it's been good)
Email me - pbarryatpatrickbarrydotcom
The alcohol shipping policies of many states are RIDICULOUS. Additionally, some counties are dry, prohibiting the delivery of beer. Each store has their own policy, too - be sure to read them. Or read this list of beer stores and their shipping information.
Many of these stores will enforce minimum orders. Read their policies.
My name is Patrick Barry and after spending way too many hours shopping for particular rare beers, meads, ciders, liqueurs, and glassware online, I got fed up and threw this together. I would like to thank Bill Becker whose site significantly expanded which stores I knew to include.